The Eyes are the Window of the Soul, through Pictures you can view the Soul of the Photographer. Come and see with new eyes.
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Friday, September 28, 2007
Dr Frankenstein I presume
Went to the Dr's office the other day for a checkup. She had to run test on the nerve damage to my left arm. Yes I have damage but my right arm is worse than my left but I can't feel that yet. What they don't tell you, when they sign you up for this little trip, is that they will be sticking a electric probe in your arm, and sending shocks down the nerve. I lost track of how many pokes, jabs, shocks, this seemingly nice woman sent down my arms...yes arms! From the shoulders to the elbows, down the arms to the hands. every nerve that woman could find, she shocked. They try to explain that they can't get a good reading so out comes the needles. Place that through the muscle to the nerve, then shock. Brings a tear to a grown man's eyes. I thought woman were suppose to be soft and kind. This woman was as sweet and sadistic as an axe murderer. When someone tells you that you have a high pain tolerance...RUN! So it is off to visit a surgeon now, for another consult. REMEMBER, when people told you "not" to do something, because you will regret it when you get older...I think I have arrived! I have damage from the wrist to the elbow and the elbow to the shoulder in my left arm, and damage to the right arm also. So all those years of abuse are getting their just desserts now...payback time! If the Drs keep cutting on me, I'm going to look like a guy who showed up at a knife fight with a rolled up newspaper. I did learn a lot about the damage I've done and I didn't know about my right arm, so I have that to look forward too also. It's time to let this puppy heal. Will a native girl rubbing in coconut oil help or just a pitcher of good frozen Margaritas on some luscious tropical island? I'll take both! It's my dream isn't it?
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
On Sunday, the Havelock Rams will return to Charlotte NC for their Big Game but...On Saturday we have to play one of our toughest and fastest opponents. Yes! that is right children, two games in one weekend and that with a six hour drive in between. Our first game, on Saturday, is against the New Bern Bears. We have to concentrate on that game as it is a Conference game. Then! it is pack into cars and off to the big city. We will probably spend the night in Raleigh and drive into Charlotte the next morning. We have to arrive four hours ahead of the game, which means we have to be at Memorial Stadium by 1PM before the 5PM game. We will be bused from Memorial Stadium to the Panthers Stadium for our half time appearance. We don't know the team we will play yet and we have only two days of practice left. So if you are watching TV on Sunday, you just might see us on TV. Sunday night we will stay in Charlotte and return to Havelock on Monday...