Sunday, August 05, 2007


I have a friend who is afraid to cross bridges. I have told her many times it is not a big deal. I will have to amend my comments to her considering the bridge collapse in Mn the other day. As for me I still like to stop on bridges and look out.
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At 9:26 PM, Blogger Bridget Jones said...

Mystic, did you see CNN tonight? Your friend's smart! 3000 bridges in the US classed as in need of immediate big $ repair by the Am Soc of Civil Engs. No word of how bad things have to be to get to that stage...hope you're not near any bridges/dams and hope you're not in the part of gov't that deals with them...

At 6:03 AM, Blogger MYSTIC said...

Did not see the report but all the bridges around here are new. The last one was just taken down and floated down the river. They will start construction on the new one soon. That is three old turnstyle bridges replaced in the past 10 years, so I'm not worried. Of course the new ones are much much higher...

At 7:59 AM, Blogger Bettina said...

I always liked bridges too. Bad things can happen to anything at anytime.


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