Sheila needed Moms help before going out for Christmas Celebration, dinner and work party. She was on her way home when some a_ _ cut in front of her and totally wrecked her car. The other driver kept on trucking. Lucky for her she was dressed in this outfit and the crash was in front of a Gentleman's Club filled with Marines...I wonder how many of her friends saw her, in her fur coat, standing in front of the Gentleman's Club? They are now upgrading the Club to look more attractive, now that they have such high class women crashing in front of the place. SHE WAS NOT HURT other than bumps and bruises. The guy she hit had no drivers license, but because he took off, and it was his brother's truck that she hit, we think his brother may have been driving and did not stop because he was afraid of getting a DUI. Little brother may have taken the blame for big brother. Don't you just love Drunk or Unlicensed Drivers. Needless to say, she is now walking...
first of all, those two ladies are real lookers.
And thanks for the hint about where to bash cars. I'm on my way!
Lucky she was not hurt - that's the main thing.
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