Thursday, October 06, 2005

You know who you are!!! Posted by Picasa


At 7:55 AM, Blogger typist85 said...

So what if I don't wake up on the right side of the bed? lol Besides, the mood goes away after the coffee gets into the system.

At 9:58 AM, Blogger MYSTIC said...

I am shocked that you would think I would say anything to upset you...And which side of the bed did we get out of this morning...Try this Muérdame
It has the same meaning but sounds so much more refined...Good Morning Luv!

At 9:09 PM, Blogger MYSTIC said...

I get up around 4 to 5 AM..Believe me nothing is funny at that time of the morning...While driving to work my windshield wipers stopped in a tropical downpour with 18 wheelers wizzing by me at 70 mph. I went to the repair shop and $193 dollars later I could see again. I didn't want to take a chance because I drive the grandkids everyday...Me I don't care about..them I care about. So I must seem like I got out on the wrong side today...


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